Thursday, October 31, 2013

4 months and 2 days

Today, Alicia got poked 4 times, she was extremely fuzzy in the afternoon; she cried so hard and loud, and needed comfort constantly. I was holding her for almost 2 hours until she calm down completely. When she was crying so hard and loud, I don't know what to do, Kay was in class and I was scared, I have checked her temperature and Nope! she didn't has fever, she must just felt very uncomfortable. I tried my best to comfort her, calling my sister in law for advices, praying, singing, and using some warm cloth to relief her pain.

Being a mom is not easy, especially a full-time stay home mom or single mom. Basically you have to deal with any situation alone for your children because your husband will not be home 24-7 to make decision with you.  Sometimes in an emergency situation, you still have to stay calm and THINK! Today, I had one moment that felt so lonely, scared, and helpless, no one was around and baby just won't stop crying, and I didn't know what to do. Although it was hard, after today experience, I felt accomplished.

There are really so much to learn to be a mom, thank you Alicia for giving me this opportunity to learn. I will keep learning and become a better nurturer:):)

Friday, October 4, 2013

Everyone in the world can make a different, it doesn't matter how "small" it is

Click here to my story
Many people in this world often think of themselves are ordinary, there are nothing special to talk about themselves. However, you should really believe that your personal story will make a different, it can inspire and influence others in any aspects of their life, because it has happened to me.

Couple months ago, one of my friends approached me and asked, "Would you like to publish your personal story on a website?" and I response,"I don't think my story is special enough to publish on any website, I am just an ordinary girl." Then, she continues,"everyone think their story is not special but I am telling you, it is not true." Because of her encouragement, I decided to accept her invitation and started to think of my own personal story.

My friend and I did a skype interview for my story, and I was able to reflect my life a little bit and ponder of the decision that I have made 8 years ago. Three months later, my story has finally ready to publish, However, I was still hesitated to post it because it is very personal.  After reading it a couple time, I just hope that this story was able to reach someone who need it. 

My story has finally published on, and I have also shared a link on facebook. I couldn't believe how fast people responded on my story, some of my friends even shared it with their friends, all of a sudden, I have received many thank you messages from sharing my story, at the same time, I am also grateful for the opportunity to share it with them. It truly made my day!

You never know how your "small", ordinary story can influence other people's life. Everyone of us are special, we all have different experiences, even your experience may be similar, your thoughts and feelings toward these experiences will never the same. Although I don't know how many people I have inspired or touched, I know I do make a different.  Therefore, Share your thoughts, Share your mind, Inspired Others, and Get Inspired! 

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Kay and I --- Parenthood

Heavenly Father has trusted us enough to bring His children into our family,and we know we should not let Him down. However, it is the first time in our life to be parents, so Kay and I always discuss how we should be good parents, how to raise Alicia, or how we should teach her.

As a mother, I also worry about Alicia since the world is very "CRAZY" nowadays. Although Alicia is still small, I can't wait to teach her many things so she can "SURVIVE" in this "CRAZY" world. However, what is the most important thing to teach her? 
Tonight, when I was feeding Alicia, I was singing "I am a child of God". I have sing this song more than 100 times since I was young, but tonight,the Spirit was so strong that made me stop and ponder about the lyrics, and I've found this lyrics more important and meaningful to me.I have found my answer!

  1.  I am a child of God,
    And he has sent me here,
    Has given me an earthly home
    With parents kind and dear.
  2.  I am a child of God,
    And so my needs are great;
    Help me to understand his words
    Before it grows too late.

  3.  I am a child of God.
    Rich blessings are in store;
    If I but learn to do his will
    I'll live with him once more.
  4.  I am a child of God.
    His promises are sure;
    Celestial glory shall be mine
    If I can but endure.
Lead me, guide me, walk beside me,
Help me find the way.
Teach me all that I must do
To live with him someday.

It is very direct, I need to be a parent who are kind and dear to my children. I need to help my children  to understand Heavenly Father's words and learn to do His will. I need to teach them to endure or even endure with them.  I also need to lead, guide, and walk beside(support) my children, and help them to find THE WAY, teach everything that they must do to live with Heavenly Father again, and to obtain the Celestial Glory.

I know NOTHING is more important than to teach our children about Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ and His teaching, to help them build their own testimony and strengthen it. I know when we are teaching our children to live righteously, the Spirit of the Lord will help them throughout their life, to continue to choose the right even when their parents are not with them someday.
Now I should say, I can't wait to teach her everything about Heavenly Father,Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost.

Alicia! Daddy and Mammy loves you!